
From step file to machine programme

With WAAMPlanner, RoboWAAM can build your part in minutes.

Flexible segmentation for planning efficiency

WAAMPlanner segments your component along any axis, in multiple dimensions, maximising path planning efficiency and multi-hierarchical part building capability.

Seamless integration with WAAMKeys

The combination of WAAMPlanner and WAAMKeys automatically calculates parameters so you can focus on building parts.

Turns your part’s preform into executable RoboWAAM code, with our advanced slicing and trajectory strategies.

We have responded to our customers’ wish to be able to print with as little effort as possible. You shouldn’t have to be an expert in welding, robotics, sensing, and metrology to be able to print something good!

WAAMPlanner only shows you what you need to see. At the post-processing stage, for example, the path trajectory you see on the screen is automatically translated to a file for RoboWAAM to use.

WAAMPlanner integrates with our other metal additive manufacturing software. It works with WAAMKeys for automatic calculation of process parameters; WAAMSim for path simulation and collision detection; and WAAMCtrl to which it passes all the process information to assess parts quality as RoboWAAM builds them.

We initially tried to work with existing providers of Computer Aided Manufacturing software, but we could not achieve the efficiency and rigour we wanted for our customers. That is why we have developed WAAMPlanner from the ground up, with additive manufacturing in mind, based on almost two decades of successful part-building history at Cranfield University.

WAAMPlanner comes with two “multi” capabilities:

WAAMPlanner is only available with RoboWAAM. We have, however, made some exceptions, so do give us a shout if you think you should have it.



Stage 01


Using established file formats (parasolid, step, etc) to import the component’s preform.

Stage 02


Whether your part is single-sided, double-sided, rotational or multi-hierarchical, you can set layerheight and slicing direction to automatically slice your component.

Stage 03


Depending on your chosen build approach, you can draw segmentation lines that divide the preform into building blocks. Thanks to layer grouping, segmentation is applied throughout similar layers or to the whole geometry.

Stage 04


Tool-path plans are generated automatically based on the preform’s material and build strategywhich can vary depending on the feature thicknesses.

Stage 05

Receive process parameters

Depending ongeometry, material and deposition process, WAAMKey automatically populates yourtool-path plan with all primary process parameters, for both the CMT and PTAprocesses. For PTA, WAAMKeys also provides advanced parameter variation strategiesto manage local changes in thermal inertia. Say goodbye to worrying aboutintersections and changes in thickness and enjoy consistent layer height withno lack-of-fusion defects.

Stage 06


Behind the scenes our post-processor automatically translates the tool-path-plan into a ready-to-print file that RoboWAAM can play.

Stage 07


Calibrate your workpiece, check everything is good to go, and start printing!

Stage 01


Using established file formats (parasolid, step, etc) to import the component’s preform.

Stage 02


Whether your part is single-sided, double-sided, rotational or multi-hierarchical, you can set layer height and slicing direction to automatically slice your component.

Stage 03


Depending on your chosen build approach, you can draw segmentation lines that divide the preform into building blocks. Thanks to layer grouping, segmentation is applied throughout similar layers or to the whole geometry.

Stage 04


Tool-path plans are generated automatically based on the preform’s material and build strategy which can vary depending on the feature thicknesses.

Stage 05

Receive process parameters

Depending on geometry, material and deposition process, WAAMKey automatically populates your tool-path plan with all primary process parameters, for both the CMT and PTA processes. For PTA, WAAMKeys also provides advanced parameter variation strategies to manage local changes in thermal inertia. Say goodbye to worrying about intersections and changes in thickness and enjoy consistent layer height with no lack-of-fusion defects.

Stage 06


Behind the scenes our post-processor automatically translates the tool-path-plan into a ready-to-print file that RoboWAAM can play.

Stage 07


Calibrate your workpiece, check everything is good to go, and start printing!

Stage 01


Using established file formats (parasolid, step, etc) to import the component’s preform.

Stage 02


Whether your part is single-sided, double-sided, rotational or multi-hierarchical, you can set layer height and slicing direction to automatically slice your component.

Stage 03


Depending on your chosen build approach, you can draw segmentation lines that divide the preform into building blocks. Thanks to layer grouping, segmentation is applied throughout similar layers or to the whole geometry.

Stage 04


Tool-path plans are generated automatically based on the preform’s material and build strategy which can vary depending on the feature thicknesses.

Stage 05

Receive process parameters

Depending on geometry, material and deposition process, WAAMKey automatically populates your tool-path plan with all primary process parameters, for both the CMT and PTA processes. For PTA, WAAMKeys also provides advanced parameter variation strategies to manage local changes in thermal inertia. Say goodbye to worrying about intersections and changes in thickness and enjoy consistent layer height with no lack-of-fusion defects.

Stage 06


Behind the scenes our post-processor automatically translates the tool-path-plan into a ready-to-print file that RoboWAAM can play.

Stage 07


Calibrate your workpiece, check everything is good to go, and start printing!